Very calmly, you ask your child to do something but nothing happens. You repeat the request thinking maybe he didn’t hear you. Then, you repeat it again. Still no action. The “repeat – remind – repeat – remind” cycle only leads to one thing…a blow-up by you.
If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone. “Not listening” is the #1 misbehavior I hear. Not listening is a power struggle and if left unaddressed, can escalate to back talk, tantrums and even defiance.
If you’re ready for your kids to listen without you having to nag, remind or yell, click the button below to learn more about our free training.
Why Don’t They Listen?
Why don’t kids listen the first time? Why do we have to repeat ourselves over and over again and eventually raise our voices?
Children of all ages – toddler through teens – have a need for power and not listening is one way in which they are trying to “tell” you they need more control and decision making ability in their lives. That doesn’t mean the kids get to call all the shots. We’ll teach you how to give them power but within your boundaries. The result will be they WILL listen to you and the repeat – remind – repeat – cycle will come to an end.
How We Can Help You
We offer a unique, online parenting education course presented in high quality videos, in-depth readings and engaging interactives that will teach you why your children are not listening and how you can correct the misbehavior. Your relationship with your kids will be better, your home will be more fun and you will be less stressed.
Positive Parenting Solutions has tremendously impacted our family. There is no longer yelling and as a family we are able to enjoy each other instead of constantly being stressed out. This online course has put a new, refreshing perspective on the role we play as parents. We have read several parenting books and attended other “seminar” type classes, however the information we have obtained from your online course has given us practical, everyday, effective “tools” to use in order to make our children and ourselves happier. – Shellie Stichman
If you’re ready for your kids to listen without you having to nag, remind or yell, click the button below to learn more about our free training.
Why It Works
Too often, parenting “advice” is short on details and leaves parents saying, “Oh that’s great to know, but what do I do next?” What good is parenting “advice” if it doesn’t teach you HOW to correct the misbehaviors that are creating stress in your life?
By enrolling, not only will you learn over 25 Tools, you’ll learn how to use them, when to use them and what to say.
Here’s all you need to do…
Click the button below to learn more. Within 30 seconds you’ll begin learning how to bring the “not listening” to an end.
If you find parenting to be wearing you out, this is the class for you. It does not have to be that way. The techniques you will learn in this course really work! – Carol Kozar
Enroll today and make “not listening” a distant memory!
Isn’t that really all you want?